Pro Golf Tips
What is the Cause for Hitting the Ball off the Toe of the Club?
What is the cause for hitting the ball off the toe of the club and what is a good drill to correct this? One possible cause is you are standing too far away from ball.
Take the Time to Learn the Rules of Golf
Golf is anything but a simple game. Not only do you have etiquette, unlike most other games, but you also have formal rules that have to be adhered when playing.
Using the Driver
Many beginner and amateur golfers struggle to control shots with the driver, so what can you do to give yourself the best chance of finding the fairway?
Playing from the Rough
Accepting that your position is not ideal is the first aspect of successfully playing from the rough.
Getting Your Mental Golf Game On
Golf is not just a sport where you need to master the physical aspects of the game. In fact, it is probably more important that you master the other side of the game of golf – the mental game.
Tips for a Great Game
Golf is not just about having the best golf clubs in town. There are also other factors that you should consider.
Is Golf Primarily A Mental Game?
Many golfers don’t realize that golf is not only a mental game, but also a physical game, and the body must also be prepared in order to make significant progress.
Fore! Celebrities and Golf
In the world of celebrities there has been a surge of popularity in playing golf, with many stars favoring the secluded and therapeutic elements of the game in order to gain respite from their hectic schedules.